SLATO APP Privacy Policy

App Permissions

The section corresponds to the usage of permissions and data required during installation and usage of the app. No runtime permissions are required during normal usage of the app.

Under certain offerings, some supplementary, QR coded study materials in printed form might be provided by Slato to certain users. In order to use those materials, such as QR codes in printed and physical books/worksheets, provided by Slato through external means, CAMERA runtime permissions will be requested from the user in order to use the camera for scanning the QR codes. A valid result of the QR scan will provide a button option to the user. Upon the button tap, the QR codes will lead the user to a content within the app only. The same content can also be accessed by the user through app content navigation as well. The result of scanning any external QR codes ( other than the ones provided by Slato in the printed materials ) will have an invalid result. 

User Data

During registration, user name and phone number or google profile (either of them) is required. This is needed only for authentication purposes, to determine only valid phone/email are being used, and to determine a real human is performing the authentication. 

Beyond name, phone or google email ( either of them), no other information is required to access free contents. 

To access premium contents, or to register for assessment/evaluation/test series, profile completion is necessary for completion of a payment. These information (Name, Phone Number, Email, Date Of Birth) are necessary requirements to uniquely identify a user, payment gateway, and to track and manage transactions, and update the user completely. 

Extra information like School Name, Postal PIN code, T-shirt size and Gender may also be collected. The School Name and Postal PIN might be used to declare ranks and merit list within a school or demography. The T-shirt size and Gender might be used to disburse apparels and goodies to registered and publicly declared winners of a test series. 

The profile information can be of the payee ( a parent or a guardian who will perform the payment transaction).

The app is targeted for users of age 13 years and above. The app does not influence the user in an age specific way. The data collected during the usage of the app, is in no way shared with any third party, and is used only for authentication, payment transactions and quality purposes.

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